EQ Company

De EQ Company is de overkoepelende organisatie voor de labels: Paard & Trainingen, HRM Group, HRM Academy.

The EQ Company is the umbrella of all the activities within the labels: Paard & Trainingen, HRM Academy and the HRM Group.

Wij assisteren organisaties en individuen met:
Coaching, Trainingen, Advies, Micromanagement, Innovatie en ontwikkeling van kwaliteiten als:
- Leiderschap
- Samenwerken
- Communicatie
In al onze sessies en programma's gebruiken wij paarden om het proces te versnellen naar een dieper niveau van leren.
( EQ > Emotionele Intelligentie)

Wij faciliteren bedrijven en organisaties wereldwijd met programma's als:
Leadership development program (the power of emotional intelligence)
The success factors of teams (the power of the herd)
Personal development (the power of authenticity)

We assist organisations and individuals with training, coaching, micromanagement, innovation and development concerning the main skills of leadership, collaboration and communication. In all our programs we use horses to accelerate the processes into a deeper level of learning.
Within our group we have 10 professionals who use the EQ Company developed EAD* method. *(Equine Assisted Development)

We facilitate company's worldwide in with programs as:
Leadership development program (the power of emotional intelligence)
The success factors of teams (the power of the herd)
Personal development (the power of authenticity)
